Duryodhan and Arjun both went to Shree Krishna. Prior to the Mahabharata war both Kauravas and Pandavas wanted to keep Krishna on their side. Duryodhan went first and due to his ego sat near his head. Then came Arjun and because of his humbleness, sat near his feet. Shree Krishna woke up and saw Arjun. After greeting him, He was about to ask the reason for his visit, but Duryodhan spoke in between,” I have come first so I should have the first say”. Shree Krishna was in two minds, he said “Arjun is younger of you two so he will get the priority, but I’ll fulfill your demand also. On one end I am there and on the other my huge army. Say Arjun what do you want? ”. There was freedom of choice, it depended on the intelligence as to who asks what – God’s grace or His opulence. Arjun said, “I’ll choose you, even if you don’t fight and just remain with me.” Duryodhan was too happy to hear this ‘foolish’ decision of Arjun and his joy knew no bounds after getting Shree Krishna’s army.
Not only did immoral Duryodhan lost the battle of Mahabharata to Arjun who had Gods support and weaponless Lord Shri Krishna but was also killed along with his brothers and friends. Qualities of those like Duryodhan who chose the wrong path and like Arjun who chose to be on God’s side are both present in a human being- one can be called vivek or righteous intellect and the other can be called immoral intelligence. To choose among them is one’s freedom.
Not only did immoral Duryodhan lost the battle of Mahabharata to Arjun who had Gods support and weaponless Lord Shri Krishna but was also killed along with his brothers and friends. Qualities of those like Duryodhan who chose the wrong path and like Arjun who chose to be on God’s side are both present in a human being- one can be called vivek or righteous intellect and the other can be called immoral intelligence. To choose among them is one’s freedom.
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